Teachers who purchase Discovering Life Science are provided the outline
of this lesson, and all other lessons of the book.
For support in introducing outlining to students, please see the menu item
• To provide the rationale for outlining (and to head off the question
"Why are we doing this"?), teachers might show the class the first 19 seconds
of my youtube video "Why Teach Outlining?" . Students should notice that outlining
is a powerful tool that will help them in every subject.
• For a shorter challenge, teachers might assign students to outline
only selected paragraphs of the lesson.
This lesson's outline
This outline is based on approximately 1/2 page of text.
The outline consumes 2/3 page of regular-lined paper.
• To support the production of outlines of reasonable length, have students
omit the information from the "Exploring Science / Historical Steps" section.
• If students are to complete this lesson and produce an outline outside of class,
allow one day for them to read the text and complete the review questions,
and a second day to produce their outline.
• On the due date, allow a few minutes for students to compare their attempt
to the one that you provide - and to respond to their questions.